
Saturday, 30 June 2012

Whitby on my mind

So, I'm off to the seaside on Wednesday.  My case has gone before me, I've promised the dog a pre-bus bath.
But now I'm thinking of illustrations:
Remember the stamp of Rincewind that I thought was too tidy?
Here he is as drawn in the 18th Century.  Maybe this isn't an illustration but I like it.

This is.  It's chaffinch song. 

I remember alarming my mum at about 14 (this was in 1964) saying I wanted to try LSD so that I could see music.  I'd been reading 'The 3 faces of Eve' and in the appendix it said how they had used LSD on subjects and they had seen music coming out of an old fashioned gramaphone horn.
Betty is an artist and doesn't need drugs to capture music in paint.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thank you x I've been enjoying exploring your blog recently.
