
Sunday, 10 June 2012

'Needy and Naggy'? Who? Moi?

Follow me!
Follow me!
On Tuesday that was what this weeks blog was going to be about - then I decided that trying to explain blogging was like trying to explain skiing. I can't
By Thursday the successful completion of Susan's jacket looked like featuring - then I misread the instructions. It isn't
Yesterday (Saturday) I thought three weeks in and I've run out of steam.  I hadn't
this morning the ground wasn't wet, it wasn't raining and I'm not going to claim that it's sunny but at least I could feed the birds without my coat on
Everything in the garden is LOVELY!

The front garden is meant to look OK from the pavement

and gorgeous from the window and smell so sweet it overpowers the road.

It's not there yet but give it a year or two or even a month or two...

Here's a walk round the back garden from the door

Get to the round bit and turn back and look towards the house and down the short cut path towards the green house

Notice how the irises have recovered from having the shed on them and how the slugs haven't got all my letuces, yet!

Look up the other short cut path -

 see the broad beans flowering on the right, the little bushes of germander are going to make a hedge, the rose smells lovely as you walk past and hiding in the last of the daffs is next winter's broccoli supply.  You're looking towards the quince for the jam, the first year of bagged potato crop and the tip (but I've planted nasturtium to cover that so it can wait till next year to be tidied.)
Stop there cos it's time to walk Angel and I'll show you the rest next week.

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