I don't know but I woke up this morning full of go - like Mole before he got fed up of spring cleaning. So the pile that has been festering behind the settee since Christmas has gone - true it's only transferred to upstairs but I can now push the settee back against the wall.
What was it? A box of assorted magazines, notepads, books; two bags of knitting; three bags of material for sewing; a banana board; Mum's shopping bag; a bit of dog mat and a dog cushion(binned); one hat box full of bits for sewing; one hatbox full of paints.
Here's hoping no-one plans sleeping in the spare bed for a while.
Then there is the little bookcase - emptied and ready to go.
And the tall bookcase - emptied and reorganised
Two boxes of books thrown and either put on my kindle wish list or not regretted. What makes a book worth keeping, is it remembering it - so it must be good
or not remembering it - so it can be reread
or remembering when I first read it?
ALL my CDs are now on my MP3 and I will work out how to use it properly now because I will have to - the sound system is also ready to go.
Back to the walk round the garden
Turn with your backs to the potatoes - which have grown a good six inches (15cm) since last week by the way and there is my shady patch on your right and where I am trying out runner beans (also shooting up the strings since last week) and sweet peas (not doing so well)

A quarter turn left and you're facing the house again. The poppies on your left are open now and dusty pink - I'm sure they were mostly scarlet last year. The pots and trays have gone to Beeston in Bloom, much diminished by slugs and the sweetpeas and beans are doing much better on the teepees than on the straight row - more sun or better soil?
Here's the bottom of that path. The alliums (that I thought might be blue) are nearly in the state I really like, sort of skeletal and moonish.
The planting up I did last week has thrived - the tomatoes now have flowers on. Not open yet, but there.
The pile of soil is full of ant eggs - long story and not very interesting.
Unlike the video of the first ants' nest I found which should be here but either will not upload or just not upload fast enough for me to think it is working.