
Thursday, 4 March 2010

Still hibernating

Yesterday was a 'rest' day on my 28 day plan and after the canal side I thought I'd spend it in the garden - so, of course, the weather was not so good and I spent the day indoors, mooching. Did a few hundred words on Gladly, finished cutting the bull for printmaking and splodged some tissue for a leafy backing for the fox, read my dose of Luke and did some research, if I can call it that on Wikipedia - which I love. I found my first misuse which was so obvious it was entertaining - an Accounts student at the University of Essex is now made more famouse by being included in my blog - there you go Adnan Shafiq.

Because I'm still trying to find my way around my belief I find the kingdom of God talk both confusing and stimulating and, a bit like pubescence, I'm not sure if it's just me with some horrendous deformity. Wikipedia lets me know I'm not alone! Not only do others share my doubts there is documentation and commentary on them. So there is a place for my views and one day I'll get up the confidence to ask David if that place is the Church of England.

My DVD of The Penguin Cafe and CD of Appalachian Spring arrived yesterday too and both lifted me.

Then we got back from the dinner time walk and while I was coated up, I photo'd what flowers were in the garden.

I don't know how to tell if the brocolli is ready, it seems to be getting more than sprouting and developing a head. I suppose once the flowers open, it's too late!

These are growing in the greenhouse, not planted, just forgotten about when I moved it.

Now we're off up Miggy woods while it's still fine. I've got to do half an hour today in either 2 or 3 lots.

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