Angel isn't too sure about the canal, especially when she sees things floating, whether it's rubbish, moorhens, ducks or this swan which she watched pass as if she was at least half sure that she could and should join it. As I explained to a dog walker we met later, I'm going to have to be a lot surer either of her water sense or her ability to swim before I let her off the lead canal side.
She skipped through puddles so she must have been warm enough too and for the whole six miles was happy as Larry, as Mum would say and if it's Larry as in Larry the lamb, particularly so cos she skipped and frolicked no end! Her only reluctance was at a Japanese I forget what who she didn't want to pass, even though he was tied up and on the other side of the canal.
This rhodedendron was so shiny and green and sort of civilised in among the tat that hedges the path.We were passed twice by Ben from round the corner as part of a school party on bikes, he looked proud as Punch. (Happy as Larry, Proud as Punch, Cliched as Chloe)
Near the end, I'm not sure where the church tower is on the horizon or who put down the peanuts-for-the-birds on the bench, but it is dog walker country at this end of the walk rather than jogger trail.
It seems I take about 22oo steps to a mile - there are 1/4, 1/2 and mile markers up the tow path - and kept up an average of 3 miles an hour not counting the baegel break after 4 1/2 miles. I can't think and walk it seems. I would have thought it used different parts of my brain but it obviously needs to be more automatic than it is at present, I slow to a saunter once I start thinking about writing or printmaking.
I was done in by the time we got on the bus at Rodley, so no room for complacency.
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