
Sunday, 6 October 2013

Shetland - on the airways

Saturday was plane day.  Angel charmed her way into the hotel restaurant this morning - last night I had to rush down and take a plate of salad back to the room, she voted against being left behind by barking my way down the corridor.
She was cooler about the airport than me - I had to unpack my handluggage twice to find the liquids, beeped the detector arch and got a body scan too. By then, she was caged and in among the hold luggage.
This is the first time I've flown this century and it was in a plane discontinued in the last!  I know I have been in a propeller plane before, but I can't remember when.
The plane was full of twitchers and their gear, or seemed to be. There probably weren't over a dozen of them, but they all knew each other and it was a bit like a school trip, the flight attendant would have made a very good year 1 special needs assistant.  They were off to look at a broadbilled warbler that was busy dying thousands of miles off course between China and Thailand, cheered by the news that it was still alive at ten o'clock.

This is the closest I will get to Fair Isle - this trip anyway.


 After a sharp left turn that made the girls behind me go,"wheee" we were nearly there.
My taxidriver was waiting with a card that nearly had my name on, Angel was finally, the last, on the carousel and a bit glad to see me and the sun was shining.

I recognised that we'd arrived by the photo on Askalong's web page.  Here is the view for real from the back gate.

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