Woman's hour, apparently, had a thing on sulking. I caught a bit of the Saturday show when they do extracts and it left me puzzled.
When are you sulking and not being miserable?
When are you sulking and not fed up of trying to put over your point of view?
When are you sulking and not so antagonised that you've decided not to talk to someone any more?
So am I sulking when I don't go to printmaking cos I didn't enjoy the first two of this term?
So when I thought that people had stopped talking to me and so had nothing more to do with them, were they sulking?
How can you tell?
How can I tell?
It's not that I haven't been accused of sulking -I have - but like a lot of what is said to me about personal behaviour, I didn't really understand what was meant. Is it the being quiet? Is it the being unhappy?
If somebody hurts you - isn't being unhappy and having nothing to say an acceptable response?
You know 'what goes around comes around'? I don't know if I'm on the receiving end. When I was in Sarawak, I was useless at letter writing - partly cos I talk to people in my head and so feel no need to put it into writing most of the time, partly cos when you're just living a normal life there's nothing to put in a letter. I've got a new method now - I just decide to write and then put onto paper whatever comes into my head.
A bit like this blog really.
Anyhow back to getting my comeuppance. Jim isn't replying to my e-mails. Is it any of the above?
I don't know if she's camera shy or nosy.
I took these with the camera nowhere near my face, mind you she was distracted by the marrow in the ham bone at the time.

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