I'm not saying it's good but it is fun.
And then Betty got fingertipz going on Etsy and the landscape I wanted should be on its way to me by next week. And she commented on my frock and I can't remember if I covered it in the blog or not. And I like using and.
I did, I mentioned it and here's a photo of it looking all golden .
And now a paragraph without the word 'and'.
Gary the choir director said for once we were going to dress up in evening dress. I'd just about got my head round having to get something black, with a flash of red. But, no, there he was, talking about 'red carpet glamour' to a chirrupy storm of approval from the sopranos. I have never owned an evening dress. I have very little idea of what constitutes glamour. But I thought gold ought to do it.
Now he wants bells! I've sent out the call for the brass bells that used to sit on Mum's mantle piece. if they don't turn up, there's always the wind chime thing that Angel rings to let me know she wants to get out of the back door.
Talking of Angel, here she is out of focus but blissfully eyesclosed over a windfall apple she managed to get into the house while I wasn't looking.
I'm not starving her, honest. She is still on a diet but that's because she isn't losing any weight.
Now (it is chucking it down with rain and dark as doom at 4 on Friday 2nd November) I am going to start weighing out the fruit to soak for the Christmas cake and pudding.
This is my 101st post by the way so I thought I'd do a bit of jigging the blog about.
Sunday now.
The first Christmas pudding is steaming. The dog is curled asleep beside me. We had a proper frost this morning. And I think my room needs a rug for the winter. I fancy this one:

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