
Sunday, 19 August 2012

Writing from Reading

Today is quintessential summer.  Too hot, Susan pottering around the garden, flip, flop,flip, splash, weedkilling with salt, boiling water and disapproval, Pete fixing something with bleach and a hammer while I sit in the shade with a long drink and a pot of olives, planning what I will do when I'm at home and so in a position to fail to do it.
Angel has half decided she likes it here:
We saw a deer here the day before when I didn't have a camera

 There is nothing like a paddle on a hot day.

The playground is always worth a visit

I know we haven't been this way before but keep up and I'll look after you
Big bird far away.


  1. Red Kite (forked tail). They're great birds!

  2. Susan says they're getting common round here, but still spectacular.

  3. I often see a couple of red kite on my way to harrogate - they come from harewood but range as far as horsforth unless that's a different pair. Sara x

    1. I've seen them at Harewood too. They are eye catching aren't they.
