
Sunday, 22 July 2012

Refresher course

Not only have I refaced the blog and rearranged upstairs, I've also decided that to get me back into cooking for myself I am going to theme (!)
This week is Sicilian (Out of the European option) and not just because I've got the white wine open.
It doesn't mean I have to do fourteen Sicilian meals - just three really - and I'm using the first site I found. Did you ever read Luke Reinhart's the dice man (which was much more fun than Sheldon's version if I remember it correctly.)?
So: Sicilian Summer Salad/Insalata alla Palermitana
Caponatina di Melanzane
Penne con salsiccia, funghi e piselli
Maybe a review and photos next week.

Went with Diz and Angel to Bolton (notloB) Abbey yesterday:
This is the valley of desolation, I think.

Sort of finished a square of her hanging:
Sort of means that I got fed up of doing it. It needs more embelishment but I need to finish more so that I can make sure there is a balance. That sounds better, doesn't it?
And went on a trip to Scotland via:

Today me and Angel went up Miggy woods and for the first year in the four I've been taking her, the stream is still all dingly dell in July:

Sicilian Summer Salad/Insalata alla Palermitana

With a lump of warm ciabatta and a glass of the white that was open.  V Tasty.
I've got my ramble back.


  1. Love the colours of your hanging and the food looks interesting. Sara x

  2. Thank you. I'm still eating it (Tuesday) and it's not boring yet! I've got a new toy for the sewing but more of that next blog. See you Saturday at the gardening.
