Why do we label the world? And do we all do it? Little Bits is very Sierra preoccupied at the moment and she is busy labeling. Do all children do it endlessly or is it only when adults give them attention for asking or for attempting labels?
I once asked the name of a bird when I was in Sarawak ( I wasn't 2 I was 27) - it looked a bit like a European Starling, iridescent and was told it didn't have one, then I was told it was a paddy bird - both the answerers were Science teachers, neither seemed interested in what the bird might be. I remember this because I presumed it was because they were not interested in birds.
I can't name cars. That's not quite true - I can name about 4 makes of car with 70% reliability, give or take 20% - depending on whether I can see the Jaguar or the Mercedes rings or the VW or the RR flying lady. I don't drive so maybe I don't need to label them, but I had an infatuation with the Renault Megane a couple of years back that nearly made me learn. Summer and the roof down, whooshing down the motorway. But I am a passenger, I like to look around, pursue random thoughts, close my eyes and stretch.
The sun is out again today. I went out to feed the birds and was hit by the scent of hyacinth. And now it is time to walk the dog, and blossom is starting to cloud the branches and aubretia cushion the walls, like this:
and I am still sans camera!
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