
Thursday, 5 November 2009

This time yesterday, I was sitting in the library basement listening to the town hall clock. I went to my first creative writing class - no judgement as yet but I intend going back next week saying I've written every day, even if it's only (is that rude) blogging. And I've joined a poetry forum and written two opening paragraphs (homework in progress) so I'm into gold star territory today.

Tonight, it's printmaking, which is a great class - etching and aquatint this week. I've done the plates so tonight is the printing. These are from the first week - monoprints. What gets me is the way the same picture looks different the other way round.

The problem with hand free mobiles is I can't tell whether people are talking to themselves, a mate or me. When in doubt I operate on teacher's rules: if I can hear you, you're talking to me. Ooops - I was wrong, again.

1 comment:

  1. Print making! What fun. I used to think that I wasn't really the creative type, but then I took a stained glass class and loved it. Turns out I also have some talent for sewing and a pretty good eye for color. I would love to find some more artistic endeavors, but time is limited with a very busy 17-month-old to chase after!

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog.
