I've also decided to revamp my pages.
So, my home page is just news. It was one of those weeks - by Monday I had 5 things to do and three of them were on Wednesday evening and 2 on Saturday morning!
You can't see all the paint I got on my jacket, but it washed off lovely.
For Lent, I'm going to let people know I believe in God and learn about Julian of Norwich and what she said. As a result so far I have had one snort of derision, two interesting conversations and one I could have done without but it passed the time.
Because of overbooking I missed printmaking on Wednesday and so decided to try and put the group pic onto a piece of boardish paper that I got to paint with acrylics on. Painting is hard. Not the doing it, that's fun. It's getting it to look like I want it to look that doesn't seem to happen.
Instead of facing up to the possibility that I might be just as crap at printing, I went to Linda's and then my last PCC meeting instead. It turned out that Sandra knew of Julian of Norwich and is going to lend me a book, so that's a + for the evening.
I've been helping design a website - if you click on it, it will push it up the search engine ratings for them! www.holbeckinbloom.btck.co.uk
Yesterday, singing clashed with Beeston in Bloom weeding - so I went singing instead of gardening in the snowy rain. We did, 'with one look' but not as if we were stark-staring, just as if we were under the delusion that we could do what we sang we could. And added choreography to a couple of numbers which was a chance to forget words and tunes and have hysterics.
I don't know if this works as a blog.
Julian of Norwich - all that is, is 'a little thing, the quantity of a hazel-nut... as round as a ball... methought it might suddenly have fallen to naught for littleness and I was answered in my understanding: It lasteth, and ever shall for that God loveth it.'