
Friday, 25 February 2011

Read the small print when you've read the large print with care


Did you notice that they didn't use the word coffee?

That's because there is less coffee in this drink than there is salt and there is 10% instant coffee (and though it tells you what is in the whitener, it does not tell you what is in the instant coffee).

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Apparently this Monday is the most depressing of the year

The week started with attitudes to women
Jack Straw saying Asian men thought white women were easy - this is my memory from the end of the week, it seemed more controversial when he said it; ultra orthodox Jews making women sit at the back of the bus because the sight of them - no matter what their age or appearance - caused impure thoughts.  There was a third thing too which led me to remember that in my life time in the rural north east in this country women wore hats to church, sleeveless dresses were thought inappropriate for work and women who went out in the evening on their own - ie without a male escort - were thought to be advertising their availability.  So maybe we shouldn't say Asian men, or white women, just selfish men and independent women.
In between I had an afternoon looking through old photos with Mum and found some I either didn't know existed or have forgotten of Dad as a boy with Nancy.  He would have been 17 when she died and just 18 when his dad died less than 2 months later. Mum enjoyed the browse through memories and nearly all the photos have got notes on now.
Here are 2 documents about Dad his school leaving certificate at 14:

and his pay slip at 36:

Angel had to go for a hair cut:

afterIt would have cost my dad 5 weeks of his 1950's wages
Why are the contents of my under-sink cupboard on the floor?
Because my washing machine is broken, and, oh dear, it is not the motor.
So the week ends on the question: Why do things always break when I am saving up for a treat?
Is it because I am unlucky and not meant to get treats or is it because I am lucky and things break when I have some savings to pay for their repair/replacement?

Friday, 14 January 2011

Venus on a rock bun

Where does it come from?  I don't know but that is how my mum described this pose:
I love all the different textures in this, as well as the pose.
I hope I grow old as gracefully - thirty years to go.  Angel curls up happily when Mum has her doze and Mum loves having her close so it's a win-win settee.
This is the result of a new year's resolution - a post a week!