Saturday, 27 February 2010
Thank you, Johnny Nash.
(Also conincidentally = coincidentally)
"The public expect us to make year on year efficiencies."
Down Eckington behind the wreck are the ranches - don't think the American West, think allotments where you allowed to keep animals. In my mum's youth there was a man call Baz who had a ranch and kept a donkey on it. He was a mean man, and obviously not very bright, because he decided to economise by feeding his donkey gradually less and less.
One day he went down the Miner's very disgruntled, "Does tha know" he said, "I'd got that donkey down to one straw a day and she ups and dies on me!"
"Adults and parents are responsible for children not the media."
Monday, 22 February 2010
115 steps a minute!
- If I go at a reasonable speed it doesn't take me 10 minutes to get to the park, it was 7 this morning.
- Angel is NOT happy to stay at my side - I think I must have been dragging her half the time (which, incidentally, would not do my technique, my speed or my pace length any good). I'm not sure because I didn't turn round to look, just kept her on a short lead and kept on going. So maybe while I'm training me into better walking habits, I'll be training her too. I sometimes wonder if she likes following other people so much because I'm not enough of a leader.
I did 109.5 steps a minute today, which was not bad considering 2 above and the fact that the causeway was treacherous with ice slush and snow. The aim is at least 115. I did feel as if I had had some exercise when I finished the 10 minutes, half way across the football pitch, though so I am going to persist.
This is the end of St Mary's yesterday morning - I'm going to have to do it after dark to get the stained glass window. Jude did the sermon and it was about temptation to sin. She said it was harder to preach about sin to us than to teenagers and it made me think of how Howard seemed to imply I didn't sin. Jude is right the older you are the harder your sins are to spot. The sermon and prayers thought three to mind to go with Jesus's 3 temptations in the wilderness. Temper, reason and fear. The long term two are the sin of the other brother in the prodigal son and the priests in 'cast the first stone' - I'll have a go at them when I've had some success with the easier (haha) three.
The writing is going OK - I've done 5,000 words and when I have got stuck, I've worked through it - taraaah.
Friday, 19 February 2010
Into Lent
- read Luke
- write for half an hour a day
- follow the walk yourself healthy plan
With those in mind I've ordered a study book from Jude to read Luke by and a pedometer from joanna hall. It's only day three but I'm on target so far.
This time last year, I'd planted some seeds - today I ordered new veg seeds. It is cold this year but there was snow this time last year too so I have no excuse.
This is last February in Cross Flats Park.
This is this February in Fox'n woods.
My RHS seeds came this week. I'd ordered sets - trees, grasses, bulbs and perenials. I can't remember why now.

Friday, 12 February 2010
This is Susan and Alan Finney outside our house.
Here, we're down Tricia's back garden.
These two are the last of the old houses still standing on the street. The Goslings lived in the bottom house - they played out in the summer in no shoes and no knickers.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
If I knew that I could die - WHAT?!
I should get out the lightbox
But it's national. At the moment it is not enough for radio 4 that people are dying through no fault of their own, or even through the selfish disregard of those who could help keep them alive, we have to have a daily discussion about how we should/should not be able to plan our own deaths. Isn't part of the significance of death that it is at its best in no-one's control? You get to adult and you know you will die.
The power to say 'no', efficient contraception, abortion and ceasarians make the where and when of giving birth 'a personal choice' for some tiny proportion of the world's population - but not the baby - now somebody wants our family - parents, siblings, children to decide when we die.
The majority of the world is fighting to stay alive, we are discussing, Costa style, our 'right' to make someone else take control of our death.
I did the earlier before I went to get my leg bandaged and so had some thinking time on the bus. I think what provokes me about 'I've got a right to be killed' is
- the attempt to extend personal choice to total control - when you start demanding a law to allow you to dictate others' actions then what happens to their personal choice ?
- Is it meant to be out of consideration for your relatives - some kind of I don't want to be a burden? But if you don't trust them to want you to live how can you trust them to kill you when you want to die?
- How can you expect anyone else to take the decision that now is the time when you, by not killing yourself, have not yet reached that decision?